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The facts about nails we must know.
ElenaDate: Saturday, 21.03.2009, 13:10 | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 94
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The purpose of the nail is to protect the fingertip and nail bed.
The nail plate also helps us perform intricate tasks, and, for many years, nails have been adorned or enhanced for cosmetic purposes.
The nail plate is made of translucent keratin. The pink appearance of the nail comes from the blood vessels underneath the nail.
As the nail grows over the end of the fingertip it forms the free edge. This appears to be whiter as it is not attached to the nail bed.
Smile line (onychodermal band) is the visible part of the seal between the nail plate and hyponychium.

The nail bed is the runway for the nail plate. It is attached to the nail plate by the epidermis which is the upper layer of the skin. Whilst the nail is growing, the epidermis allows the nail plate to follow many microscopic tracks located on the basic layer of the nail bed, also called the dermis.
The nail bed is sealed from both sides with lateral folds and with hyponychium from the far end of the nail plate.

The nail fold protects the matrix and nail bed from bacteria and infection.
The proximal nail fold is the skin above the matrix which folds underneath itself at the base of the nail.
The lateral nail fold is often referred to as the side walls and is a curved fold of skin that lies above the nail grooves. Nail grooves guide the growth of the nail plate.
The matrix is the most important unit of the nail and is responsible for producing keratin cells which build up the nail plate . Newly-produced cells have a white and plump look. Once the cells leave the matrix they completely flatten and become transparent, becoming part of the nail plate. The matrix is also responsible for nail shape and appearance (the longer the matrix the thicker the nail. A short matrix produces fewer cells; as a result a thinner nail). Damage to the matrix can cause permanent damage to the appearance of the nail.

Message edited by Elena - Saturday, 21.03.2009, 20:28
ElenaDate: Saturday, 21.03.2009, 20:27 | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
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The lunula is the visible part of the matrix. The white appearance of the lunula is because the keratin cells are not completely flattened yet. This area is softer compare to the rest of the nail plate and, so, is easy to damage.

The hyponychiumis the area between the nail plate and the fingertip from beneath at the far end of the nail plate. It is the living tissue so extra care is needed to avoid hyponychium injury. This is the area of the nail where most pathogens accumulate.

The eponychiumis the front edge of the proximal nail fold. This is sometimes mistaken for the cuticle, which is incorrect. Eponychium is a living tissue that often sticks to the nail plate and stretches forward as the nail grows. It acts as a seal against bacteria entering the matrix.
The cuticle is dead skin which has been shed from the proximal nail fold and eponychium. This is the part we should remove during manicure/pedicure.

BLUEKIKIODate: Saturday, 21.03.2009, 21:02 | Message # 3
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Facts about nails.

1.The average rate of nail grow is 0.004 inches (0.1 mm) a day, or 1.5 inches (36.5 mm) in a year.
2. Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails.
3. Nails grow faster in summer than in winter.
4. Nails grow slower when the matrix is short of blood, when the blood contains stuff that stunts growth (like chemotherapy material or cigarette by-products), when we suffer malnutrition, or have a high fever.
5. Nails tend to grow faster on person’s dominant hand.

Interesting Random Facts About Finger Nails:)

1.A white mark on the nail bespeaks misfortune.
2.Pale or lead-colored nails indicate melancholy people.
3.Broad nails indicate a gentle, timid, and bashful nature.
4.Lovers of knowledge and liberal sentiments have round nails.
5.People with narrow nails are ambitious and quarrelsome.
6.Small nails indicate littleness of mind, obstinacy and conceit.
7.Choleric, martial men, delighting in war, have red and spotted nails.
8.Nails growing into the flesh at the points or sides indicate luxurious tastes.

Message edited by BLUEKIKIO - Saturday, 21.03.2009, 21:03
fungusbgoneDate: Friday, 20.07.2012, 22:59 | Message # 4
Group: Users
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These are all great facts about toenails. Some other great facts are:

· Finger nails grow faster than toe nails
· Finger nails grow 10mm in three months whereas, toe nail grow at about a third of that rate.
· Nails grow quicker in summer
· Rate of nail growth decreases with age
· Minor trauma stimulates growth unless the nail bed is damaged and then this inhibits growth.

It is important to know facts about toenails in order to battle the infections that can take them hostage! One of these infections is toenail fungus, also called Onychomycosis - and here are some great facts about it and its treatments!

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection. The aetiology of which is an infection caused by a variety of pathological dermatophytes. Because your foot is often a place of moisture and heat, it is a great home for fungus which can cause your toenails to turn yellow and become thick.

There are many ways to keep fungal infections from happening, which are important to know, however, it is good to know that there are treatments around! One of them, is the laser treatment. The treatment kills the bacteria that cause the infection with proven clinical results and no side effects!

If you'd like to know find out more nail facts and the laser treatment if you're nails aren't looking like they should, go to or talk to your podiatrist.
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