Facts about nails. 1.The average rate of nail grow is 0.004 inches (0.1 mm) a day, or 1.5 inches (36.5 mm) in a year.
2. Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails.
3. Nails grow faster in summer than in winter.
4. Nails grow slower when the matrix is short of blood, when the blood contains stuff that stunts growth (like chemotherapy material or cigarette by-products), when we suffer malnutrition, or have a high fever.
5. Nails tend to grow faster on person’s dominant hand.
Interesting Random Facts About Finger Nails:)
1.A white mark on the nail bespeaks misfortune.
2.Pale or lead-colored nails indicate melancholy people.
3.Broad nails indicate a gentle, timid, and bashful nature.
4.Lovers of knowledge and liberal sentiments have round nails.
5.People with narrow nails are ambitious and quarrelsome.
6.Small nails indicate littleness of mind, obstinacy and conceit.
7.Choleric, martial men, delighting in war, have red and spotted nails.
8.Nails growing into the flesh at the points or sides indicate luxurious tastes.