Hello Addicted!
In this thread I offer to post the information about what publications every nail tech should have in her/his library, names and places to purchase... share your opinion and knowledge! Since I started the thread I will describe my literary and video collection...
1."Milady's Standard:Nail technology"- beautiful book, covers almost every aspect of our industry as professional ethic, nail anatomy,product chemistry, manicure, pedicure, nail extensions(L&P/Gel/Wraps), nail art basics, business promotion, massive glossary with terms we must know.
I believe you can buy it here
2."NAILCLASS" by Gigi Rouse- I believe this book does not require any description as near everybody knows it. Brilliant edition!
To buy have a look here
3.The Complete Nail Technician by Marian Newman- do not think, simply buy it!
Where to purchase?? Try this
4. Nail Art DVD from Liliya Sereditskaya- again, I'm sure most of you are already familiar with this product. Outstanding collection of video tutorials from one of the best in nail industry. You don't need to speak Russian:) as there are no words but music and of cause samples of "how to do" shown from start to finish result. Freehand Nail Art, One- stroke technique, 3D- for beginners and professionals. Get it!!!!! It worth every penny!!!
To buy follow the link Liliya-Nail Designer